Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры

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Zhostovo. Tricks of the Trade

Date: 07.10.2014

The exposition “Zhostovo. Tricks of the Trade” launched our Library’s new project called “Yet not forgotten. Golden Circle of Folk Craft”. The opening presentation took place on October, 7th in the Blue Hall and gathered the readers, folk art specialists and fans of art by Zhostovo craftspeople. The exposition became the first one among the events dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the famous folk craft. No wonder that the Library was chosen as a site for the exposition – according to the memoirs of the brightest artists of Zhostovo school, books always took significant part in their work. Those artists sought subjects for their works in books, the books helped work up fantasy and one’s own style of painting, books gave inspiration. The exposition naturally combines printed materials and the works of the artists.


Old and new - specially designed for the exposition - album covers became a true revelation for many visitors. Those covers made of paper-mache were popular in the 19th century and together with painted trays served as home decoration. The albums were used for writing poems and memorable drawings. Album covers were also made in the 20th century. At present panel pictures with Zhostovo paintings are more popular; the examples of those were presented at the exposition as well.

The history of the craft, its famous authors and their work that defined for many years ahead the line of development of the craft was told through the books, albums, magazine articles from the collection of the Library and, of course, with the help of famous trays, the oldest of which was created in the 19th century. The exposition helped demonstrate the process of painting famous Zhostovo flowers on the example of trays showing all stages of painting, schemes and sketched of floral compositions. The exposition was organized with a lot of love and respect for the folk craft.

The exposition was opened by the Director of the Library Ada Kolganova, Art Director of the Zhostovo Factory, Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Viktorovich Lebedev, Chairman of the Commission of the Union of Artists of Russia for folk arts, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Alexander Umarovich Grekov. During the opening presentation they spoke of the riches of folk culture, preserved by the art of Zhostovo painting, and of outstanding masters of painting who proved sustainability and contemporaneity of their art.

The master-class was run by Tatiana Kurakina, painter of the Zhostovo Factory.

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