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The final session of the International Scientific conference “To 100 years of the Kamerny Theatre” and the “I won’t be able to see the famous Fedra…” exhibition’s finissage.

Date: 18.12.2014

On December 18 the last session of the International Scientific conference “To 100 Years of the Kamerny Theatre” organized by the State Institute of Art Science together with the Russian State Art Library was held in the RSAL.

V.V. Gudkova (Russia), T.M. Bartele (Latvia), M.-K. Otan-Matie (France) were the speakers of the session.

Just before the session the finissage of the “I won’t be able to see the famous Fedra…” exhibition took place in the Blue Hall. History of the famous Kamerny Theatre was the display’s theme. It presented archive documents, books with A. Tairov’s and A. Koonen’s autographs, original graphic and other RSAL’s fund materials.

In her speech RSAL’s Director A. Kolganova noted that this exhibition made it possible for the researchers to get acquainted with unique documents about this theatre which are saved in the library with great care.

Chief Director of the Moscow theatre “Hermitage”, a pedagogue and a writer Mikhail Levitin visited the exhibition the same day. In his point of view this display was terrific.
