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Meeting of the Postcard Lovers Club in September

Date: 19.09.2014

The first meeting of the new season took place in the Russian State Art Library on September 19th.

The subject of the meeting was the presentation of a book “German Addresses of the Old Saratov. The History on Postcards” made by a deltiologist and owner of one of the biggest postcard collections Arsen Melitonyan.

 “German Addresses of the Old Saratov” became the fourth volume of the series “German Addresses” published with support of the German Embassy in the Russian Federation. The previous volumes were “German Addresses of the Old Moscow” (2006), “German Addresses of the Old Russia” (2008) and “German Addresses of the Old Kursk” (2011).

Up to the end of the 1930s Saratov and its region used to be areas of compact settlement for the Germans who had made a reasonable contribution to the industrial development, agriculture, science, army and culture of the Russian Empire.

The book presented during the meeting helped form a clear view of the life of the Germans of Saratov in the end of the 19th-the beginning of the 20th centuries.

Another subject of the meeting along with the book was the Catalogue of postcards dated 1911-1912 issued by the publishing house “K.F. Knaub, Saratov” that would serve as an irreplaceable aid for the collectors and postcard researchers.     

To conclude the Club members put their autographs on the issue of the book “German Addresses of the Old Saratov” and on a poster dedicated to the presentation of the book which was granted to the Russian State Art Library.