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Russian State Art Library participating in the International Conference “Crimea 2014”

Date: 18.06.2014

The 21st International Conference Libraries and information resources in modern world of science, culture, education and business” took place on June, 7-15 in Crimea.


The section “Libraries, Museums, and Archives in the Global Information and Cultural Environment” traditionally organized by the Russian State Art Library within the framework of the Conference gathered 35 representatives of public federal and regional libraries, municipal and specialized libraries and museums. The representatives from the libraries of Crimea and Sevastopol took active part in the section’s work.

The presentations covered a wide range of questions such as information service provided to the reader and library attendance, software solution design for the needs of cultural institutions, cataloguing of the cultural heritage objects.

The reports were diverse; special interest was aroused by the report of O.B. Ushakova, Krasnoyarsk Center for Scientific and Technical Information and Libraries at Krasnoyarsk Railway. She spoke about their interesting experience in organizing a united information environment for a chain of libraries and museums.

The presentation “Studying the Reader” given by Ada Kolganova provoked a lively discussion. The presentation included the results of the Library’s survey conducted for the readers in order to study their demands and satisfaction with the service thus introducing to the fellow librarians the characteristics of the present readership of the special purpose library.

The subject of the latest trends in creation of digital resources was covered in the presentation given by Inna Vaganova – “Art Material Databases in Digital Content of Art Libraries”

The report given by L.P. Zabolotnyaya, Library branch #17 of the Centralized System of Sevastopol, stood out not only with its content but also with its emotional presentation. The author summarized the experience of the library she represented in the field of moral education of a person based on the historical and cultural traditions of the city.

Russian State Art Library took active part in other sections as well, like in the focus workshop “Crimea and Russia: historical memory and cultural cooperation”. V.V. Salynskaya’s report “The images of Crimea in artistic memory of Russia” was met with great interest especially by the representatives of the Crimean Tartar Library who inquired consultations and materials on the subject.

This year for the first time our Library took part in the exhibition “Library Systems, Information and Publishing Production”. It made a great sense because in the year of Culture the Library organized an offsite exposition “The Costumes of the Peoples of Russia shown by the graphic works of 18th–19th centuries”. The presentation was on June, 12th – the Day of Russia. The exposition arose much interest and was visited by more than 100 people. Among the attendees were I.O. Schegolev, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, G.P. Ivliev, Sate Secretary – Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, E.N. Guseva, Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Education of the Russian Federation – Head of the Department of Libraries and Archives at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, our colleagues from federal, regional and municipal libraries and many others who highly appreciated the exposition. During the wrap-up ceremony the Russian State Art Library was granted a special certificate for the innovative approach to the question of expanding the subject of the exhibition.

During the conference many relevant and up-to-date matters were discussed, such as National Electronic Library, Electronic and Traditional Book, Copyright, Modern Trends in RFID Technology Development in Libraries, Social Media as a Modern Instrument for Promoting Libraries and many others. The participants actively discussed the questions of cooperation between libraries, educational institutions and museum of Crimea and Sevastopol during the period of integration into the cultural environment of Russia.


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