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The All-Russia Library Day, “Creative Masterworks of Librarians” 16th exhibition. May 28 - June 11.

Date: 28.05.2014


It was the 16th time when the Section of Art and Museum Libraries of Russian Library Assocoation and Russian State Art Library turn the All-Russian Library Day into a real festival of art, beauty and creativity. For many years now the Blue Hall of The Library hosts the exhibition “Creative Masterworks of Librarians” that united many of our colleagues from municipal and regional Russian libraries. Every year the number of participants gradually grows and so does the excellence – regular participants acquire new techniques which makes every new exhibition exceptionally unlike the previous one.

The present exposition included works of many talented librarians from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Kursk, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov Region. Among the works presented in the Blue Hall visitors could see the original works made in a very popular technique – felting. Some masters presented tridimensional toys; some made so called woolen watercolor paintings, decorations, garments or accessories. Some works were demonstrated for the first time, like ceramic flower arranging, majolica, topiary, sweet-design, pape-art.

Traditionally the exhibition was open on May 28th so that all librarians could celebrate their professional holiday - the All-Russian Library Day. All participants of the exhibition were presented with certificates and memorable gifts. In the course of the opening ceremony we always organize a special surprising event. It can be a folk concert or special treats like pastry, for example, cooked by the librarians; or - like in 2013 – a brilliant performance by Pedro Alexander Alfonso Lopez who played jazz standard pieces “All the things you are” and “Girl from Ipanema”.

The opening ceremony was held in the Blue Hall of our Library on May 28th so that all could celebrate the All-Russian Library Day.

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