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The Right Side of the Brain Collage Workshop was successfully held at the Russia International Exhibition-Forum in VDNKh

The Right Side of the Brain Collage Workshop was successfully held at the Russia International Exhibition-Forum in VDNKh


On 24 February, the Russian State Art Library (RSAL) presented another shining event, The Right Side of the Brain Collage Workshop, at the Russia International Exhibition-Forum, in the Exhibition of the Achievements of the National Economy (VDNKh). The joint event of RSAL and the Cut and Glue Community of Russian Collagists gathered such a large, creatively motivated audience that the organisers had to set up not one, but two zones for work.

The workshop was attended by experienced collagists, beginners, and a group of animation and multimedia art students from the GITR Film & Television School together with their workshop master. Everyone was invited to fantasise, to combine the real and the absurd, to make the creative and unique, to release their creative energy, and be a bit childlike.

The task was not difficult — for an hour and a half fantastic, minimalist animals were fashioned using pages of old, outdated magazines as the background.

Under the guidance of the experienced presenters — Olga Kirsanova, founder of the Cut and Glue Community of Russian Collage Artists, and Ksenia Zuykova, founder of the General Gathering Collage Workshop (RSAL), everyone coped with the task perfectly, invented, and brought to life some unprecedented unique, very cute, and sweet creatures.

The wonderful mood of the participants, their humor and optimism literally infected and charged the visitors of the exhibition, who were ready to join our meetings, but, for a pity, all possible and impossible places were already occupied.

Thank you to all participants of the workshop!