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Our Library’s profile booklet in English

Date: 27.04.2014

Russian State Art Library (RSAL) now has its profile booklet published in English. The booklet includes information about the activity aspects showing the Library as a modern informational, cultural and scientific center that gives the reader wide possibilities to research, create and perform.

The Library was founded in 1920s as a creative laboratory that has never changed its status using the principle of personal approach to every reader that is actual until nowadays. Honored artists together with artistic youth that only start their career and readers interested in arts and culture – everyone with their specific needs is equally welcome here.

The Library has developed its own methods of promoting book and information together with the rich collection of funds due to the integrated database which helps provide complete and functional service in the sphere of arts and culture.

Another kind of activity the Library deals with is the culture and education which is reflected in the high popularity of the Library among specialists as well as among the readers. Rich exhibition program held by the Library covers a wide range of subjects, involves numerous genres and kinds of documents at display.

The unique Reader’s Museum of the Library that combines the principles of librarian, informational and educational activity with the museum display methods demonstrates the important role of the Library as a co-author of artworks in the sphere of culture. Library and museum site get expanded by means of modern digital technologies, including virtual excursions.

Scientific activity carried out by the Library, including various researches, organization and holding international conferences, is aimed at creating the informational stock, i.e. catalogue resources – mainly electronic, card index and databases.

The publishing activity of the Library involves many areas, with the priorities given to theater problematics, source studies, research and informational work.

The booklet well illustrated with the material from the collections of the Library will help our foreign readers to get familiar with our diverse activity and may be interesting to the bibliographers and fine art experts as well as to the teachers and students of the art oriented universities and theater schools.

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