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Interregional Conference ‘Postcards in the Collections of Libraries and Museums. Study, Storage, and Popularisation’ on 11 December 2023

The Russian State Art Library (RSAL), the Union of Postcard Collectors of Russia, and the Section of Art Libraries and Museum Libraries of the Russian Library Association invite collectors and specialists from libraries, museums, and archives to participate in the annual Interregional Conference ‘Postcards in the Collections of Libraries and Museums. Study, Storage, and Popularisation’ on 11 December 2023, in Moscow, at RSAL.

The conference is dedicated to the history of philocarty; the principles of forming postcard collections; and their storage, study, and popularisation.

Conference hours: 10:00 to 15:00, Moscow time.

The duration of the conference is 1 working day (not considering arrival and departure days). Speeches are limited to no more than 15 minutes. It is possible to present them online. The texts of the reports will be published in a digital collection.

Please submit your applications for participation (full name; place of work, position, title; contact details: telephone, e-mail; name of topic of your article or research (with or without a speech); form of participation (online or offline) before 15 November 2023.

The deadline for submitting materials for the ‘Postcards in the Collections of Libraries and Museums’ digital collection of articles will be announced at the conference.

All materials should be sent by email to: izo@liart.ru

Participation of out-of-town specialists will be at the expense of the sending party.

Venue: Russian State Art Library (RSAL), 1 Nikoloyamskaya St., Moscow (in the building of the Library of Foreign Literature) (Metro Kitai-Gorod, bus. M6, M7, e70—stop Kinotheatr Illuzion [Cinema Illusion] or Metro Taganskaya Circle Line, bus. M7, e70—stop Kinotheatr Illuzion [Cinema Illusion]).

Additional contacts:

ehaplanova@gmail.com (Elena Georgievna Khaplanova, Head of the Centre of Visual Information, Chairman of the Section of Art Libraries and Museum Libraries)

salynskayav@gmail.com (Valeria Vladimirovna Salynskaya, Secretary of the Section of Art Libraries and Museum Libraries)

Registration is now open.