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RSAL Invites You to Participate in the Thirteenth Mikhoels Readings

The main topic of the Mikhoels Readings Conference ‘National Theatre in the Context of a Multinational Culture’ is the history and development of national theatre in the context of a multinational culture. Issues in dramaturgy, scenography, and the documentation of theatrical heritage are addressed. Participants in the Readings present the results of studying archives and museum collections related to national theatre, and research on theatrical source studies and contemporary resources. The discussion at the Russian State Art Library (RSAL) brings together bibliologists, theatre experts, culturologists, philologists, historians, publishers, and specialists from libraries, museums, archives, and institutes.

The conference will take place on 28–29 November 2023, at RSAL, temporarily located on the premises of the M. Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature at 1 Nikoloyamskaya St., Moscow. The location change for the Readings is owing to RSAL’s main building undergoing major reconstruction and restoration.

According to the rules of the Readings, there will be 20-minute reports and 10-minute commentaries. The library will provide technical support for presentations.

Some online presentations may be possible.

A collection of scientific articles will be published based upon the results of the conference.

To apply for participation in the conference, please fill out the attached form and return it before 1 November 2023 to: bisk@liart.ru

For inquiries, tel.: +7 (495) 692 65 20