Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры

Российская государственная
библиотека искусств

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On 15 March, the Photo Exhibition ‘Our Pride is the Reader’ Opened at RSAL

A photo gallery of portraits of famous library readers opens a series of expositions dedicated to the centenary anniversary of the Russian State Art Library (RSAL).

About 60 portraits of prominent figures in the arts and culture were displayed along the main staircase, welcoming new readers and recalling the rich history of RSAL.

From the very beginning, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Yuri Zavadsky. Ivan Moskvin, Nikolai Okhlopkov, Maria Babanova, Alla Tarasova, Yuri Pimenov, Isaak Rabinovich, Alexander Tyshler, Konstantin Yuon, and many others used the library’s collections.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by Avangard Leontiev and Viktor Volsky, who, as students, first came to the theatre library, which became the dear ‘Teatralka’. They spoke about the unusual respect and attention that the library’s specialists accorded them, even though they were young, unknown students.

Director of the State Public Historical Library of Russia Mikhail Afanasyev admitted that he envies such a library with such readers; and actress Alexandra Zakharova is grateful for the art, culture, and memory of her famous father—a theatre and film director—that is preserved in the library.

Photos of famous directors, actors, costume and set designers, and former readers are evidence of the great demand for the unique library from the creators of plays, films, and various creative projects. Of particular value is the photographs taken over the years within RSAL’s walls at meetings with readers, the opening of exhibitions, and creative evenings.