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The Online Round Table ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Role of Libraries and Museums in the Preservation and Transmission of Topical Contemporary Trends in Art’ was held on 2 November 2020

Date: 18.11.2020

The Online Round Table ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Role of Libraries and Museums in the Preservation and Transmission of Topical Contemporary Trends in Art’ was held on 2 November 2020

On 2 November 2020, the Russian State Art Library (RSAL) and the Section of Art Libraries and Museum Libraries of the Russian Library Association held the round table ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage. The role of libraries and museums in the preservation and transmission of topical contemporary trends in art.’ Experts from various institutions continued the conversation about the storage of contemporary art, and shared their experience and vision of how libraries and museums should fulfill their functions in the preservation of works of contemporary visual art.

The round table was attended by experts from leading cultural organisations. In their reports, they touched upon aspects of interaction giving examples of intangible cultural heritage that they encountered in practice. Expressing their point of view on how not to lose the legacy of media and digital art were such authoritative experts as Arsen Melitonyan (PhD Historical Sciences, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, member of the Union of Architects of Russia, Honorary President of the Union of Postcard Collectors of Russia), Ekaterina Efimova (artist, art critic, Curator of Collections at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts), Anna Gryaznova (Director of the Irish Film Festival in Russia, organiser of cultural events based on the literature and art of Ireland), Alina Stulikova (Curator of the Department of Film and Media Art of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts), Yan Ginzburg (Director of the Library of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art), Dmitry Khvorostov (specialist in library and exhibition activities of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art), and Alexandra Orlova (art critic, curator, employee of the Cultural Programmes Department of the Russian State Art Library).

The event ended with a lively discussion, where the problems of the transformation of digital technologies were raised and the results of the event were summed up.

The next round table in this cycle is planned for 2021.

The recorded event is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCXPklj2OT0.

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