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On 5 October 2020, an Exhibition of Unique Bogorodskoye Toys Opened at RSAL

Date: 02.11.2020

On 5 October 2020, an Exhibition of Unique Bogorodskoye Toys Opened at RSAL

On 5 October 2020, the opening day of the exhibition “Carved Toys from Bogorodskoye”, dedicated to the famous folk craft of the Moscow region, took place in the Blue Hall of the Russian State Art Library (RSAL). Quarantine measures have resulted in certain adjustments: the limiting of the number of physical attendees and an online publication on the library’s YouTube channel, which made the exhibition accessible for all.

The Blue Hall displays works by masters in the collections of the Alexander Grekov Museum of Toys, the Russian State Museum Estate of Folk Crafts named after V.D. Polenov, the Bogorodskoye Factory of Artistic Woodcarving, and private collections. This is the sixth exposition in the library’s exhibition cycle “Not Forgotten. The Golden Circle of Folk Crafts”.

RSAL presents not only prime examples of folk crafts, many of which are on the brink of extinction, but has expanded the exposition using its own rich collections—by introducing rare illustrative materials, magazine and newspaper clippings, and unique documents. During the exposition, master classes, meetings, and special excursions are being offered for a wide variety of visitors.

The exhibition was opened by RSAL Director Ada Kolganova, who thanked all participants who presented the amazingly beautiful wooden works of art and craftsmanship.

Historical photographs, beginning with the 1920s, help viewers become acquainted with the history of the craft.

The Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation, PhD Art History, Member-Correspondent of the Russian Academy of Arts, Alexander Grekov, told how his life’s work began with the study and collecting of outstanding examples of this folk craft. He created the Museum of Toys, where a large space is occupied by Bogorodskoye toys and sculptures.

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