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On October 1, the Interregional Scientific and Practical Seminar ‘The Postcard as a Document of Historical and Cultural Heritage’ was held at RSAL

Date: 10.01.2020

On October 1, the Interregional Scientific and Practical Seminar ‘The Postcard as a Document of Historical and Cultural Heritage’ was held at RSAL


The seminar was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the postcard, first issued in Austria-Hungary on October 1, 1869. Its organisers were RSAL, the Union of Postcard Collectors of Russia, and the Section of Art and Museum Libraries.


The seminar was attended by specialists of RSAL, the Regional Universal Scientific Library of Nizhni Novgorod, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum, the Russian National Museum of Music, the Rostov Kremlin State Museum Preserve, members of the Union of Postcard Collectors of Russia, and representatives of the Lingua-F and Bibliomir publishing houses. There were reports on the review of thematic postcard collections in public and private collections, and exhibition and publishing projects. The seminar’s round table touched on a relevant topic—the bibliography of postcard collecting.


Seminar participants agreed on the need to create an interagency working group to prepare a new bibliographic manual that would take into account publications on postcard collecting, both printed and electronic, virtual collections, and resources on postcard collecting. Postcard collectors also proposed the creation of an electronic library of postcard collectors