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Presentation of the Anton Chekhov. Sakhalin Collection album-catalogue was held in RSAL

Date: 06.06.2019

On 12 March, 2019, the Readers Museum of the Russian State Art Library (RSAL) presented the album-catalogue Anton Chekhov. Sakhalin Collection (authors: Ernest Orlov, Tatyana Shipova) from the Collections of the State Literary Museum series. 

The book presents unique photographs from the personal archive of Anton Chekhov in the State Literary Museum, relating to his journey to Sakhalin and the East in 1890. Photographs provide illustrative material for many chapters of Chekhov’s book Sakhalin Island and possess undeniable historical and cultural value.

The unique publication was introduced by the author Ernest Orlov, Deputy Director of the Russian State Literary Museum for Scientific Study, Head of Department of Anton Chekhov’s House-Museum, PhD (Candidate of Sciences) in Philological Sciences.

The meeting began with a preview of the documentary film Anton Chekhov's Journey to Sakhalin, filmed for the 125th anniversary of Chekhov’s trip to Sakhalin. Orlov’s speech was accompanied by a slide presentation showing rare documents and photographs. In addition to the Sakhalin photographs of A. von Fricken, I. Pavlovsky, and A. Scherbak—the ship’s physician aboard the St Petersburg in the Russian Volunteer Fleet—Chekhov brought back ethnographic photographs of Ceylon, Syria, Egypt, Nubia, and Hong Kong.

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