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‘Wooden Toys of Nizhny Novgorod’ Exhibition Opened in RSAL

Date: 23.10.2018

For five years now, the Russian State Art Library (RSAL) has been holding exhibitions in the series ‘Yet Not Forgotten. The Golden Circle of Folk Craft.’ Such expositions popularise decorative folk arts and crafts, reveal their rich ethical and aesthetic potential, and introduce the works of original artisans.

The exhibition features more than 150 works by Nizhny Novgorod artisans from the collection of the Alexander Grekov Museum of Toys, as well as unique illustrated editions and academic works from RSAL’s collections.

The exhibition was opened by the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Yarilova, who emphasised the importance of the exhibition project for the preservation and transfer of knowledge about the artistic heritage of our ancestors to future generations.

The Director of RSAL Ada Kolganova drew attention to the deep connection between language, culture, and folk art, which was revealed in the exhibition.

The founder of the toy museum, Alexander Grekov, discussed the private museum’s collection and the prospects for the development of folk craft production.

Leading personages in the arts, art historians, and readers of the library came to the opening. The participants thanked the organisers of the exposition and hope to continue the exhibition project ‘Yet Not Forgotten. The Golden Circle of Folk Craft’ within the walls of RSAL.

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