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RSAL Specialists Participated in the 22nd Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association

Date: 19.06.2017

On 15 May 2017, in Krasnoyarsk, the All-Russian Library Congress: The 22nd Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association “The Role of Libraries in the Cultural Policy of Russia” opened.

 On 16 May, a joint session of three sections was held in the conference on the theme: “Special Collections in Libraries. Questions of Formation, Description, and Preservation.” Special collections have historical and artistic value and occupy a special place among the treasures of many libraries. The meetings are an invaluable source of information for the library’s readers and provide an opportunity to expand the range of library services.  


Experts shared their libraries’ experience working with various types of documents (sheet music, pictorial materials, newspaper clippings). At the meeting, they discussed issues of acquisition, descriptions of special collections of art materials, methods of compiling databases, preservation, and the use of documents.


On 17 May, the Section on Art and Museum Libraries held the round table “Libraries Help Art: Request Times and Realities.” RSAL Director Ada Kolganova spoke about the ongoing monitoring and analysis of the role and location of art departments in regional libraries in the cultural space of the city, province, and region.


Roundtable participants shared their experience in cultural and educational work, with the priority of familiarising readers with the artistic life of the region. It was decided to continue research on the activities and resources of the arts departments of regional libraries.