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The Readers Museum Opened Its Main Exhibition for RSAL’s Jubilee

Date: 19.06.2017


On 16 February, the new exhibition dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Russian State Art Library (RSAL), “We’ve Been with You Since Your Student Years” opened in the Readers Museum, bringing together representatives of libraries, museums, the Ministry of Culture, managers, and teachers and students of art universities in Moscow.


In opening the exhibition, Director of RSAL Ada Kolganova said that the library plans to celebrate its 95th anniversary for an entire year with a series of interesting events devoted to it. First and foremost was the exhibition about the work of the library with students who are the film directors, actors, and artists of the future. And that is no coincidence.


Back in 1922, the library was created as an educational library, as a creative laboratory in the Maly Theatre School. Many years have passed and RSAL has become the main Russian arts library, retaining its basic function while continuing to work actively with its principal reader—the student. For 95 years, the co-creation of librarians and readers has helped create impressive, interesting works that faithfully convey the architecture, everyday life, clothing, and traditions of a variety of countries and times. Special classes for students are still held here, and librarians are experienced consultants, experts, and advisors.


The exhibition is based on documents preserved in RSAL’s collections that tell about the fascinating work of the library with theatrical, cinematographic, and arts universities; about the creative projects of students who became famous masters of the theatre and cinema; and legendary teachers who pass on the secrets of their professional experience to many generations of students.