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RSAL is honoured to invite to participate in the 10th International Mikhoels Readings. This conference is supported by the Russian Ministry of Culture and will be held on 27–28 November 2017

Date: 07.02.2017

RSAL is honoured to invite to participate in the 10th International Mikhoels Readings. This conference is supported by the Russian Ministry of Culture and will be held on 27–28 November 2017.

Following a longstanding tradition, the theme of the conference is “National Theatre in the Context of a Multinational Culture”. Mikhoels Readings is the only conference that, on one hand, addresses issues relating to the history of art and drama, cultural studies, and other humanities, and, on the other, it is devoted to source study resources, collections, and archives.

Papers and reports covering the following themes will be considered:

  • National Theatre in Archive, Library, and Museum Collections;
  • National Theatre Phenomenon in Global Culture;
  • Jewish Theatre in Russia and Other Countries;
  • History of Jewish Theatre;
  • Archives and Collections Devoted to the History of National Theatre;
  • Assembly, Conservation, Accessibility, and Research of Collections;
  • National Theatre Issues of Bibliography and Information Resources;
  • National Theatre Source Studies and Theatre Book Memorials;
  • Historiography of National Theatre and Studios;
  • National Theatre and Drama in World Repertory (Translations, Road Tours, International Festivals, Theatrical Exhibitions);
  • National Theatre Set Design and Artists;
  • National Theatre in a Foreign-Language Environment.

Dramatic historians, theatre workers, library, museum, archive specialists, bibliographers, bibliognosts, cultural specialists, philologists, teachers, historians, publishers, etc., are invited to participate.

As a result of the conference, a collection of articles will be published. Texts not more than 40,000 characters (with spaces) for papers and 20,000 characters (with spaces) for reports with annotations in Russian and English will be accepted. A limit of four illustrations in jpg or tiff formats, with a 300-dpi resolution, can also be published.

Applications will be accepted until 1 November 2017.

All applications should be sent to: bisk@liart.ru, redactor@liart.ru

Please see the attached form.

Conference participants may register from 15 February till 15 November 2017 via the RSAL website: www.liart.ru or e-mail: bisk@liart.ru

The Programme Committee

Tel.: +7 (495) 692-0653

bisk@liart.ru, redactor@liart.ru