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The exhibition “Signs of Memory” was a notable event in the cultural life of Moscow in 2016

Date: 03.02.2017

The exhibition project “Signs of Memory,” created with the support of the Embassy of Ireland and Krokin Gallery, was presented on 6 July in the RSAL’s Blue Hall.

Nine thousand images stored in the RSAL’s collection of everyday photographs became the stimulus for creative thinking about those in the past who worked in different genres of fine art.

In the exhibition “Signs of Memory,” there were archival images side by side with objets d’art, graphics, installations, and video artists looking for the means and opportunity to express their attitude about the phenomenon of memory. The exhibition presented nine Russian artists and an artist from Ireland, Aaron Smith.

Numerous guests of the show noted that the exhibition, which connected experiments in contemporary fine art with interesting photographs from the RSAL’s collection, was unusual and innovative, and perfectly fit in the interior of an old mansion. The exhibition “Signs of Memory” was a “chamber” event, but a noteworthy one in the cultural life of Moscow.

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