Exhibitions department
Since the first years of its existence the library has aimed to make its stocks the most famous.
One of the best ways of their display became different expositions.
The very fist exhibition was hold in the day of the library opening (May 24, 1922) and acquainted with the most valuable materials of the book stocks.
Together with the Exhibition Board, the members of which are specialists of the library leading departments determines the urgent themes, circle of participants, forms of enlightening scientific research work, advertisement and information support (presentations, creative meetings, concerts, lectures, excursions, conferences, seminars, booklets, announcements and articles in periodicals,reportages in the mass media).
The exhibition repertoire presents the theatre jubilee themes traditionally wide: "Shakespear. 425-year anniversary of his birthday", "The Chamber theatre. 75-year anniversary", "Theatre Moscow", "Actor, painter, magician. For 125-year anniversary of F. Shaljapin`s birthday", "The founder of the Russian theatre. For the 250-year anniversary of the Jaroslavl drama theatre n. a. F. Volkov",
"Bertold Brekht and the theatre", "The theatre in the years of the great Patriotic War", “Five evenings with A.Volodin” and other expositions, prepared in cooperation with tens of theatre, literature, music and memorial museums, libraries, cultural and charity funds.
A particular interest was show for the long- term programme “Art and religion”, in the limits of which the following expositions were held: “From the history of the Bible publication in Russia” (in cooperation with the State public historical library, the Russian State library of foreign literature, the Synodal library, the Russian biblical society and the church of Kozma and Dominian; the exposition was accompanied with a cycle of lectures), “Catholic temple as an art phenomenon (together with the Italian company “Pauline” and private collectors; the lectures were supplemented with the demonstration of video films about different temples of Italy and Spain), "Image of Holy Trinity in Russian art" (in cooperation with the Russian State library of foreign literature, the research library of
the Ruhbljov Central museum of ancient Russian culture and art and Icon painting section of the Russian Union of painters), "Islam art" (in cooperation with the library of the Institute of Asian and African countries and private collectors).
Thanks to the urgency of the theme, the thought-out selection of the material, professional arrangement of the expositions, cooperation of many museums, libraries, creative organizations and
private collectors, the following exhibitions were a great success: "Moscow churches. Sorok sorokov" (Forty times forty), "Original photo. Costume and image", "Prize "Oskar". The best of the best ", "Jazz in books and photos", "And here is a New Year's tree…" (articles of folk art - New Year's tree toys), "Lights of manege", "Russian military costume of the 18th - 19th", "Russian folk costume in drawings of the 18th - 20th", "Old folk outdoor fetes".
The cycle of musical "Evenings in Dimitrovka", held in the "the Blue hall", became a part of the thought-out strategy of the library, which realizes itself more and more as a cultural center.Presentations of books of separate authors and publishing houses and every-year exhibitions "Art creative work of librarians", held in the RSAL, serve the same aim.
Times of opening “the Blue hall”: 12 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Contact telephone: +7(495) 692-04-67