Добрый день Александра!
В нижеперечисленных изданиях можно найти объяснение терминов: mosaic, inlay, intarsia, marquetry, parquetry.
Словари по мебели:
- Gloag, J.
A Short Dictionary of Furniture : Containing 1764 terms used in Britain and America : With 630 il. from original sources by various hands of which 144 specially drawn by R. Escott. - London : Allen & Unwin LTD, 1952. - 565 p. : il.
Словари по декоративно-прикладному искусству:
- Fleming, John.
The Penguin dictionary of decorative arts. - [London] : Allen Lane, [1977]. - 896 p. : il.
- The Grove encyclopedia of decorative arts : [in 2 vol.] / ed. by Gordon Campbell. - Oxford : Oxford University press, 2006.
- The Grove encyclopedia of materials and techniques in art / ed. by Gerald W. R. Ward. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University press, 2008. - XVII, 828 p., [8] sh. col. ill. : ill., diagr., fax., portr.
Словари терминов искусства:
- Lucie-Smith, Edward.
The Thames & Hudson dictionary of art terms : 400 illustrations / Edward Lucie- Smith. - New ed., [repr.]. - London : Thames & Hudson, 2010. - 240 p. : ill., pl., portr.
- Cabanne, Pierre.
Dictionnaire international des arts. - Paris : Bordas, 1979.
- Chilvers, Ian.
The Oxford dictionary of art and artists / Ian Chilvers. - 4th ed. - Oxford : Oxford University press, 2009. - XXV, [1], 694 p. - (Oxford paperback reference series).
Энциклопедии по искусству:
- The Dictionary of art : [in 34 vol.] / ed. Jane Turner. - [Repr. with minor corr.]. - [New York] : Grove, [2002].
- The Connoisseur complete encyclopedia og antiques. - London : Peerage books, 1983. - 704 p. : il.
Универсальные энциклопедии:
- The New encyclopaedia Britannica : In 32 vol. - Chicago etc. : Encycl. Brit., 1994.
- Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti / Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani ; direttore gen. Domenico Bartolini. - Переизд. 1929 г. - Roma : Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, 1949-2001.
- Larousse, Pierre.
Grand dictionnaire universel du XIX-e siecle francais, historique, geographique, mythologique, bibliographique litteraire, artistique, scientifique, etc., etc., ... - Paris : Administration du grand dictionnaire universel, S. a.
- Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language : With 7 language dictionary / Unabr. a Merriam- Webster / Ed. in chief P. B. Gove. - Chicago etc. : Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., Cop. 1993.
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библиограф Ирина Анатольевна Савочкина.