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New format of BiblioRossica portal

Date: 14.03.2014

Dear Readers!

Starting from March 2014 BiblioRossica Library and Information System is presented in the new format in the Russian State Art Library.

We offer a specialized electronic library that includes art-oriented publications (theatre, fine arts, architecture, costumes, music, educational publications on arts) and specific collections – “Architecture and Urban Studies” and “Management for the Purposes of Culture and Arts”. The electronic library includes around 2000 publications.

BiblioRossica System can be accessed from all computers of the Library, its user-friendly search service helps quickly find the book you need. The System has a printing function and allows sending the fragments via e-mail (not more that 15% of the publication). And what is more, all readers of our Library can get a remote access to BiblioRossica! For registration in the System and getting remote access, please, contact Reference and Information Service, room 9.

In case you are not our reader yet or cannot visit the Library but would like to access BiblioRossica database, please, send your requests to cio@liart.ru.

The database contains variety of interesting publications, here are some of them:

W. Benjamin. A Short History of Photography / Walter Benjamin; translation from German and comments by S.A. Romashko. Moscow: Ad Marginem, 2013. 144 pages.

M.S. Gladkaya. Relief of the Cathedral of St. Dimitry in Vladimir: the experience of integrated study / M.S. Gladkaya. – Moscow : Indric, 2009. – 288 pages.

H. Ibelings. European Architecture 1890-2010 / Hans Ibelings ; translated from English by A. Georgieva. Moscow : Progress-Traditsiya, 2014. – 224 pages.

J. Seabrook. Nobrow. The Culture of Marketing. The Marketing of Culture / John Seabrook ; translated from English by V. Kozlov. Moscow : Ad Marginem Press : Garazh Center for Contemporary Culture, 2012. – 239 pages.

V.S. Turchin. The 20th century reflected in… the past and the present : Artists and their concepts. Works and Theories / Valery s. Turchin. – Moscow : Progress-Traditsiya, 2003. – 647 pages.