Federal State Institution of Culture

Russian State
Art Library

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Visual Arts. Architecture

Visual Arts

“From Russia with Art” - http://www.artinfo.ru/default.asp

“Other Art”. Museum of unofficial art 1950-70. Collection of Leonid. P. Talochkin - http://other-art.rsuh.ru/

“St. Petersburg Art Project” - http://www.russkialbum.com/

World Encyclopaedia of Art - http://www.artprojekt.ru/

Russian Architectural News Agency. Modern architecture - http://agency.archi.ru/eng/index_html

Architecture of Moscow Art Nouveau - http://www.mosmodern.ru/

Architecture of Germany - http://archigermany.ru/

Archoteca. Archive of Contemporary Architecture of Nizhny Novgorod - http://www.art.nnov.ru/archoteca/index.php

Art Nouveau in St. Petersburg - http://hotlinks.ru/modern/modern/index.html

Public catalogue of the Orthodox Architecture. Descriptions and photos of the Orthodox churches, cathedrals and monasteries - http://sobory.ru/

Monuments of architecture of the Karelian Ladoga - http://www.soros.karelia.ru/projects/1998/ladoga/

Monuments of architecture of the Moscow Region. Country estates, monasteries, cathedrals - http://nataturka.ru/

Russian City - http://www.russiancity.ru/

Northern Fortress, description of fortresses - http://www.nortfort.ru/index_e.html

Union of Architects of Russia - http://www.uar.ru/

Union of Architects of Moscow - http://www.moskvarch.ru/

“Wind Blows”. Moscow architectural bureau of Postconstructivism - http://www.wbb.ru/summary

“Form”. Information portal for architects, designers and everybody interested in architecture - http://www.forma.spb.ru/


Russian Architectural News Agency. Modern architecture - http://agency.archi.ru/eng/index_html

Architecture of Moscow Art Nouveau - http://www.mosmodern.ru/

Architecture of Germany - http://archigermany.ru/


“Archi-tec.ru”. About styles and monuments of architecture - http://www.archi-tec.ru/

Archoteca. Archive of Contemporary Architecture of Nizhny Novgorod - http://www.art.nnov.ru/archoteca/index.php

Art Nouveau in St. Petersburg - http://hotlinks.ru/modern/modern/index.html

Public catalogue of the Orthodox Architecture. Descriptions and photos of the Orthodox churches, cathedrals and monasteries - http://sobory.ru/

Monuments of architecture of the Karelian Ladoga - http://www.soros.karelia.ru/projects/1998/ladoga/

Monuments of architecture of the Moscow Region. Country estates, monasteries, cathedrals - http://nataturka.ru/

Russian City - http://www.russiancity.ru/

Northern Fortress, description of fortresses - http://www.nortfort.ru/index_e.html

Union of Architects of Russia - http://www.uar.ru/

Union of Architects of Moscow - http://www.moskvarch.ru/

“Wind Blows”. Moscow architectural bureau of Postconstructivism - http://www.wbb.ru/summary

“Form”. Information portal for architects, designers and everybody interested in architecture - http://www.forma.spb.ru/

“Archi-tec.ru”. About styles and monuments of architecture - http://www.archi-tec.ru/