Federal State Institution of Culture

Russian State
Art Library

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Russian State Art Library is giving a new course of lectures.

 You are welcome to visit our 3rd lecture at the Reader’s Museum – “Reproduction Techniques in Russian Book Publishing of 18th-19th centuries”.

 The lecture is given by Oleg Rostislavovich Khromov, Professor of Restoration Department, Doctor of Art Studies, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Head of Department at the Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts at the Russian Academy of Arts. Oleg Khromov is an author of more than 100 scientific publications, participant of the “Encyclopedia of Russian Paintings”, Program Manager at “Joint Catalogue for Russian Engraved Publications” and “Memory of Russia”.

 Duration of lecture: 1h 30 min

 Lecture 1

 Book forms in the period of Modern Age. Their peculiarities and purpose.

The Lecture covers the following topics: various book forms, time of their appearance, functional purpose, their combinability with other forms, position of each form (handwritten, handwritten and engraved, lithographic, fully engraved, typographical, etc.) in book culture of the Modern Age.

 Go to Lecture 1 report>>

 Lecture 2

 Paper and its definition

 Go to Lecture 2 report>>

 Lecture 3

Reproduction Techniques in Russian Book Publishing of 18th-19th centuries.
technique, lithography, using lithography in book publishing.

 Lecture 4

 Production techniques of handcrafted book.

Specifics of formats, publication contents and illustration.

Varieties of publications.

Varieties of editions.

 Lecture 5

 Technique of fully engraved publications.

Specifics of publishing and their definition.

 Lecture 6

 Method of expertise, attribution and identification of engravings and lithography, fully engraved publications and typographical handcrafted books.

 Lectures 2, 3, 6 are supported by seminars.


Admission free.

Address: Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka str., 8/1.

Okhotny Ryad or Teatralnaya metro station.

Tel./Fax: +7 495 692 35 08 (Khaplanova Elena)

E-mail: izo@liart.ru