Federal State Institution of Culture

Russian State
Art Library

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Our Library send the official greetings to Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library named after N.A. Dobrolyubov on the 180th anniversary of the exposition “Moscow Art Theatre and the Library. The Book and the Stage”.

On October, 4th, 2013 Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library (The Dobrolyubov Library) celebrated its 180th anniversary. That day was marked with a festive action called “24 hours in the library: anniversary non-stop”.

The Russian State Art Library (RSAL) was invited to take part in the celebration. Ada Kolganova, the Director of RSAL, gave a workshop “Museum Expositions in the Library” for the managers of Arkhangelsk regional libraries.  Her major point concerned the results of the meeting of “Art Libraries and Museum Libraries” Section as a part of Russian National Library Congress, 18th Annual Conference of Russian Association of Libraries. The Congress took place in Penza in May 2013 where the meeting of the Section was dedicated to logistical issues as well as informational aspects in arrangement of expositions, their classification and specifics. During the workshop the participants analyzed the accepted forms of exhibition activities, discussed the role of specialized departments in those kinds of activities, and distinguished the methods of presenting archive materials – both traditional and innovative.

One of the most attended events within the anniversary was the opening of the exposition “Moscow Art Theatre and the Library. The Book and the Stage” that was specially organized by the team of RSAL for the 180th anniversary of the Dobrolyubov Library. Ada Kolganova and E.E. Shumyantseva, Head of the Cultural Programs Department, presented the exposition to the readers, members and guests of the Dobrolyubov Library.  It became the second exposition of the Reader’s Museum of RSAL and demonstrated the role of the library in creation of plays of the famous theatre– «Egor Bulychev and others» (1934), «The Seagull/Chayka» (1970), «Tartuffe» (1981), «Kabala Svyatosh» (2001) and many others. The story of how the unique project of the Reader’s Museum was achieved and the detailed excursion through the exposition aroused much interest among the participants.

The exhibits that could not be brought to Arkhangelsk from Moscow were shown in the frames of the virtual excursion based on the Reader’s Museum materials. The visitors could see on the screen the publications signed by A.P. Chekhov, K.S. Stanislavsky, V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, could read the library request notes from the 1950s made by the students of Art Theatre School - Tatiana Doronina, Oleg Basilashvili and other now famous actors and directors.

The Dobrolyubov Library was presented by Ada Kolganova with a two-volume publication of “Moscow Art Theatre. 100 years” containing the compliment inscription from the author - President of Moscow Art Theatre A.M. Smelyansky.

The exposition also included the books on the history of the theatre, books dedicated to the theatrical career of celebrated artists, publications from the collections of Dobrolyubov Library - or Dobrolyubovka - as the people of Arkhangelsk like to call their library. The visitors could watch the videos of the most famous plays of Moscow Art Theatre. The exposition worked from the day of the anniversary of the library and lasted until the first days of November.

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