Federal State Institution of Culture

Russian State
Art Library

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Theatre Artist Emil Kapelyush Donated His Book Not Only Theatre

For his personal exhibition, which ended in October 2021, in St Petersburg, Emil Kapelyush prepared an album that gives an idea of the variety of the Master’s artistic passions.

Emil Kapelyush is a three-time laureate of the Golden Mask Russian national theatre award and the Golden Soffit St Petersburg theatre award, as well as the award winner of many other Russian and international awards. The exposition dedicated to his creative career’s 45th year presented the variety of Kapelyush’s artistry: sketches of scenery and costumes for famous performances, series of graphics based on theatrical performances, paintings, wooden and ceramic sculptures, and objects of installations.

Kapelyush inscribed the copy of his book donated to the Russian State Art Library (RSAL): ‘To RSAL ... with hope for cooperation and new ideas! Together!